Dentons - Just the highlights How to be an effective and trusted leader


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In this CX webinar session, our presenters explored how to understand your own strengths and leadership style and how to optimize your impact. This is a summary of their discussion.

Purpose plays a critical role in leadership. Your role as a leader is not only to embody your organization’s purpose but to ensure your teams connect to that purpose. Purpose often acts as a north star for an organization, therefore, as a leader, making complex decisions often becomes easier once you can make that connection. The same is true for your team. A deep understanding of this purpose can lead to better decision-making and actions, enhancing individual and collective performance.

Developing a connection. To lead effectively, you need to have clarity on your destination. To influence those to follow you, you must ensure that they have a clear picture of your destination while also establishing a sense of connection to that vision. You can begin to build that connection by understanding your stakeholders including their preferences and dislikes. The presenters discussed a model that describes the different business chemistry types. Once you understand what drives and motivates those around you, along with their styles and preferences, you can connect with them on a deeper level.

Building followership. The presenters highlighted the Trust Equation concept written in The Trusted Advisor, by Maister, Green and Galford. The essence of trust is highlighted in a mathematical formula where Trust = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy / Self-Orientation. In other words, ask yourself if you are credible, reliable, and if you invest the time to understand what’s important to the other person (intimacy). Self-orientation refers to the extent that you may be making everything focused on your own goals or intentions. If those goals are self-serving, then trust disappears. 

Leading other lawyers. Providing your team with a sense of direction and vision not only rallies everyone to move towards a common goal but, as a leader, it is key to building followership. It is equally as important that you communicate that vision to your key internal stakeholders while also taking the time to understand their goals and priorities, ultimately positioning you and your team as business enablers. Creating an environment across the team where people feel safe to share their ideas and bring diverse perspectives to the table drives a learning culture, and better overall outcomes for the team and the organization.



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