The shift to digital distribution has been a catalyst for disruption in the music industry's business models. From major record companies and independent labels to music publishers, concert venues and promoters, manufacturers, wholesalers, from e-commerce and "brick and mortar" retailers to digital distributors, artists, producers, managers and agents, the music business has scrambled to take advantage of new revenue streams and opportunities for cost reductions, while navigating an evolving worldwide competitive and legal landscape. Furthermore, music is integrated into other digital and traditional media products and services, including advertising, games and social networks, not to mention film and television.
Tastes and standards (both cultural and legal) are local—but e-commerce, web and mobile distribution are global. This means that every new business model and product must appeal to a worldwide fan base, while complying with a global web of legal requirements and dealing with competing societies around the world.
Dentons leverages our global footprint and deep sector expertise to help you mitigate risk and capitalize on evolving trends in the marketplace. We bring a unique, multidisciplinary and multijurisdictional focus to our music industry representations, reaching across multiple practice groups and around the globe to meet your needs in the areas of:
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