Dentons - Appendix: Supplemental Data


  • {{ !!location.countrycode?location.countryName :location.officeName }}



The below is a sample of additional data points gathered from our survey respondents. If you have questions or require additional information, please reach out to us at

How often are family offices carrying out risk management assessments (identifying hazards and exposures for the following groups?

Who is responsible for conducting the risk management reviews of the family office?

In which areas are family offices looking for more support from legal partners?

Which of the following sources are most worrisome in terms of generating reputational risk?

Family office stance on physical security

Which category of external support do family offices contacts in the event of a cyberattack?

What insurance policies and coverages do family offices have in place to protect business activities?

Which healthcare services are family offices most concerned about accessing?

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{{office.mobileNoTitle}} {{office.mobileNo}}
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  • {{option.countryName}}

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{{office.mobileNoTitle}} {{office.mobileNo}}
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